I have SEVEN POINTS to make concerning Roe vs Wade. The original court decision was made in 1973, almost fifty years ago. I was only ten years old and didn’t understand what it meant and we really didn't hear or talk about it because at ten, in 1973, we did not discuss sexuality unless an inappropriate, inebriated adult spoke of it. So let me tell you something else about 1973. It was nothing like it is today.
POINT #1: SCIENCE OR LACK THERE OF. We knew very little about the development of a fetus or to what extent the baby developed in the womb. Ultrasound imaging may have been used for medical purposes but not yet common for expectant mothers, so we didn’t know a lot about what a baby looked like in the womb. We were just beginning to understand that the baby could physically feel, hear or respond to outside stimuli. All these unknowns about the developing baby, made the court decision ALMOST understandable. But since that time, it was discovered the child has physical reaction to touch and if a probe is introduced, the child flinches or retracts, all while in the womb. Then it was discovered the child reacted positively or negatively based on the mother’s emotion, surroundings and experiences. There was a time when scientists encouraged mothers-to-be to place headphones on their belly to play classical or soothing music for the baby because studies showed babies with this womb experience tended to have better development after birth. It became clear these babies are viable human beings who can pick up on surrounding vibes and comprehend much more than we ever thought possible. Also, it was highly suggested fathers speak direct to the baby while it was in the mother’s belly because it generated a positive reaction from the baby. The baby reacted to the father’s voice and it shortened the bonding time between baby and father after birth. Fathers would speak and sing to the unborn baby. Now they downplay all of this and we haven’t heard these suggestions in years. You think it might be to keep women from realizing the actual, living person they’re carrying? Do you think we don’t discuss communicating to the baby while in the womb so we don’t contradict the left’s dismissal of the FACT that life begins at conception and is a living PERSON? POINT #2: BIRTH CONTROL. Another thing that has changed since 1973 is birth control availability and cost. At that time, there was limited birth control options. The options for birth control were nothing like it is today and they were not easy to obtain. Neither insurance nor government paid for birth control. If you wanted birth control, you had to pay for it out of your own pocket and usually it was up to the woman. Today birth control is varied and easily available. You have access to tons of different birth control, even pills to take even AFTER sex (the morning after pill) and it’s easy to purchase because insurance and government subsidies pay for it. In some cases, I believe schools provide birth control, so there’s no excuse to NOT take advantage of these options BEFORE killing a baby. POINT #3: MY BODY, MY CHOICE. Yes, women have a choice and the choice is to KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED. You have a choice to NOT sleep with a man or if you do 'choose' to sleep with one, use birth control (see point #2). That’s your choice. We live in a country where you are not forced against your will to have sex with someone and if someone forces themselves on you, they can be arrested. Sadly, there are countries where women are treated as sex slaves and are sold by their families at an early age. I almost understand abortion in these situations but not in a free America, where you have MANY other 'choices'. So, yes, women have the right to choose and that choice is to NOT HAVE SEX rather than kill an innocent, living human being that came into existence at conception. Let’s discuss conception. Conception is when a sperm and an egg unite to create a human. An egg only comes from a woman and sperm only comes from a man. I hate to blow your minds, but no, men don’t have eggs and women don’t produce sperm. That’s just the simple fact as it’s been for thousands of years. A man and a woman coming together is the way to create another human being and once they do and once that sperm and egg combine, life begins. Life begins at conception. At that time, it’s a person…. A living, viable human being. This is what God says about the unborn…. Jeremiah 1:5 - “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” POINT #4: ADOPTION. If you get pregnant and don’t want a child, there are a lot of people who would love to have a child. Women should carry the child full term and then place it for adoption. Let that child go to a loving family who are eager to receive a baby, a family that want to receive a baby rather than just destroy it. How selfish is it to kill a baby rather than give the baby life and give the gift of life to another couple? POINT #5: THE UNIMAGINABLE. We have proof that planned parenthood is selling baby body parts. The baby is sucked out of the womb after killing it or it can be on the table alive and they kill the baby in order to harvest and sell the body parts. This is a for profit business! We know this organization has donated millions and millions of dollars to the democratic party to keep their money-making machine going. Does this idea of selling lungs, heart, kidneys, eyes, tissue and other parts of precious innocent babies not disgust you? If harvesting and selling baby body parts does not disturb you, then your conscience may be seared. 1 Timothy 4:1-2 - But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron If this doesn’t bother you, your spirit may be dulled and you need to ask God for forgiveness and pray for Him to save your soul. God is waiting. He loves us and wants everyone to come to know him and be saved, but I can tell you, if you choose to serve the devil you will experience heartache, pain, destruction, sadness and misery. It might not come right away, but I promise you Satan cares nothing about you and only wants you miserable. We WILL live for eternity and hell is real. It might seem fun to serve Satan on earth but it will be unimaginable torture in hell. Give yourself to Jesus while you still have a chance. POINT #6: ABORTION WON’T GO AWAY. Let me try to get a little bit of knowledge and information through to the minds of the protestors and the people who are on the side of abortion and those who wish to continue to kill babies; the overturn of Roe vs Wade does not completely wipe out abortion. You can still kill the babies in your womb if you want. This will just let the people in each state decide whether they want to allow baby killing. So, if they outlaw it in your state, you can go to another state and sacrifice your baby to the idle of Planned Parenthood in the lie of healthcare. POINT #7: FORGIVENESS. I want to make this perfectly clear, if you’ve already had an abortion, there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, so if you come to Christ and ask for forgiveness than he is faithful and just to forgive. It’s just like divorce, Jesus doesn’t like divorce but he forgives that sin. Of course, he did allow divorce decrees but he didn’t give decrees to kill babies. He will forgive you of all your sins and we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, so if you had an abortion, I do not condemn or judge, because you can always ask God for forgiveness before judgement day. If and when we ask for forgiveness, those sins are under the blood and forgotten. Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed Exodus 20:13 - Thou shalt not kill. 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This subject may be especially painful for me as a woman who wanted to have a baby but was unable. For whatever reason, I was not able to get pregnant and entered a happy marriage too late in life to adopt, so the sadness I feel for all the dead babies goes deeper than anyone can image, unless you've been in the same situation. PLEASE STOP BELIEVING THE DECEPTION AND STOP KILLING YOUR GIFTS FROM GOD. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.