I have been at a loss for words. I lost my voice this past year and haven’t written a blog in seven months. I haven’t had physical problems, but mental & emotional ones and by that I mean, I’ve been paralyzed and afraid of offending someone with anything I say. I could not find words to discern or gain a handle on the chaos happening in our country until now.
I realize now what has gone on with me and many others like me (i.e. white Christians). We are in shock. We are numb, frozen and terribly, terribly saddened. I’ll go as far as saying we’re terrified at what we’re experiencing. But I WILL speak out. We heard of the horrors of inequality and injustices against minorities in America, but people my age grew up in a world where most people tried to treat others equally. Do bad apples exist? Of course, there always will be bad ones…..in every ethnic group. Racism is not exclusive to white Americans. But for some reason, overnight it seems, we have been demonized by much of America. If you are a white American Christian conservative, the media and leadership in this country has called us the “biggest domestic terroristic threat.” Apparently ALL WHITES are now white supremacists and racist. Does that make sense to you? It doesn’t and shouldn’t but apparently does to someone. People are still alive who remember that kind of talk against the Jewish people. If you are my age (58) and not old enough to have lived through WWII, you certainly were taught about the Holocaust and the horrific results of the lies and hate for a race. It seems as though the entire country, including the media, are calling whites something they are not. The generation just before me and those my age did EVERYTHING in our power to make this country an inclusive country and rid it of inequality. We believed in treating everyone equally and with respect. We believed all should have the SAME opportunities in this country. We tried to provide extra help to the under-privileged, no matter a person’s background, age, gender or race. People should be treated the same by the law and by anyone who has a brain. We did not forget the poor. There are county health clinics, welfare, food stamps, free school meal programs, homeless shelters, affirmative action, etc. This country, including whites, have tried to assist all people. It has been this way for fifty years. So, not only do older adults have a grip on these concepts in this country, so do younger Americans. They have been raised in a country of equal opportunity. The innocent children have been living side by side with all ethnic groups for decades without issue, until now. I am disgusted by the school system and what they are teaching. I had no children, therefore, no reason to get personally involved in the local school system, so image my surprise when I realized how low we’ve gone. Where have the conservative parents been all these years? Or did this happen over night too? Equality has been written into the laws of this country but those of us who have accepted Christ have an even deeper understanding of equality. Christians understand that we are ALL made in the image of God and He created us equal, special and unique with VALUE. True Christ-followers, through the Holy Spirit strive to LOVE ALL and if you do not have love in your heart for your fellow man/woman, no matter their skin color, you are not truly born again. Bottom line. Sadly though, when you tell someone they are something long enough, they will believe it and become it. So, if you continue to tell whites they are racist….they will become what you tell them. This rhetoric MUST STOP! President Trump was NEVER considered racist until he disagreed with the democratic agenda. He was one of the most loved and respected men in America and the only person who could have a TV series called: The Apprentice, because he was the one person everyone would like to work for and learn from. He defended religious freedom, disagreed with aborting babies, wanted to put Americans first and wanted to keep government small and out of the individual’s personal life. Millions of Americans agreed with this, but as soon as he got in the way of the radical left’s power plans, they used the racist card on him. Why can’t people see this truth? Yes he’s crass and abrupt, but to be the most powerful man in the world and to deal with terroris, that’s what we needed! FREE government handouts is NOT a solution or equality. Equality is when every AMERICAN (not every person in the world coming here illegally) has the right to PURSUE happiness. The constitution does not ASSURE HAPPINESS…. It provides all persons the right to PURSUE IT. If you do not PURSUE happiness and success, it’s no one else’s fault. Trump supporters are NOT RACIST, but asking for everyone to own their responsibility in this country. The answer is not in ONE person but a group of leaders that believe this and are NOT simply power hungry. Promises and the desire for FREE stuff has blinded this country under the cover of ‘humanity’. It is NOT humane to allow men and women to sit around, unproductive, without a purpose, endlessly attending school. We are made to be PRODUCTIVE, CREATIVE, human beings. Allowing people to find their purpose and requiring them to PURSUE their dream is HUMANE, NOT handouts. True love lets adults learn to take care of themselves. ALL AMERICANS (white, red, yellow and black) have created the greatest country in the world and satan wants to destroy it. Do NOT LET HIM! Satan has come in with lies and is using people to create division and hate making the average person terrified and saddened to the core. Everything we’ve worked so hard for in America, is being destroyed in less than a year. Everything white conservatives say or do seems to be wrong, according to the media so people are saying nothing, but its time to SPEAK UP. STAND UP CHRISTIANS. FIND YOUR VOICE. DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIES! Come out of your silent slumber! God help us! Do not stand for this treatment and lies. If you witness an injustice or violet attack GET A VOICE - DO SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING! SCRIPTURE: “A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest”— Your poverty will come in like a vagabond And your need like an armed man.” Proverbs 6:10-11 NASB1995 https://www.bible.com/100/pro.6.10-11.nasb1995 “At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.” Matthew 24:10-13 NASB1995 https://www.bible.com/100/mat.24.10-13.nasb1995 “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 KJV https://www.bible.com/1/eph.6.11.kjv “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 KJV https://www.bible.com/1/jhn.16.33.kjv ““For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NASB1995 https://www.bible.com/100/jhn.3.16.nasb1995
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